Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Why you may not be getting insight

May 1, 2020

As you may have experienced, insight often comes when we least expect it: in the shower, driving, or walking in nature.

This is because in order for the brain to serve up insight into our conscious awareness, it needs a positive, calm environment where our attention is broader and where we are less focused.

FMRI (Functional magnetic resonance imaging) scans of the brain reveal that insight comes from a different part of the brain than analysis.

Insight can be developed and even mastered.

In fact, a large part of my Courageous Leadership Coaching and Consulting platform is centered on providing and provoking insight.

The brain treats uncertainty like a fire; setting off alarms in our fear networks. We close down, can get defensive and our ability to think clearly goes out the window. Cortisol, the stress hormone, can hold us hostage and depending on how long we dwell in uncertainty, can keep us there for days or even weeks.

Practicing cortisol regulation so that insight can more readily enter our awareness is vital.
5 Steps to greater insight:
1. Check in on how you’re feeling
2. Label the feeling. For example, frustrated
3. Take some deep breaths to regulate cortisol and calm down
4. Lead yourself to a better feeling level; Let’s go with calm
5. Take action to feel calm

If breathing helps you move up to a calm space, then continue breathing until you’re at that new level. If soothing music helps you move up to calm, then go listen.

You are the leader of your experience and leading your experience includes defining and redirecting your emotional state.

On the surface, it seems obvious. When put into practice, it’s a game changer.

Want greater insight for greater impact and sweet success? Define or redirect your emotional state.

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