Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

When Self-Care Isn’t Helping

August 9, 2021

One common, client complaint is the sense of burnout that comes from growing a business or keeping pace with business.

Whether it’s running an entire business or a division of business, it can often feel like the business is running us.

Our leadership can quickly become compromised and our energy right along with it.
We forget who we are.
We may try implementing self-care in the form of exercise, massage, or leadership books which may temporarily help.
However, it is often the case in my experience, that without realizing it,
self-care becomes just another thing to do in an attempt to create some semblance of balance so that we can keep going,
keep chasing after feeling better. 
That is until we do burn out because we’re attempting to solve a problem at the same level of thinking we used when we created it.
(Einstein paraphrased)

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