Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Ninety Percent of Our Thoughts Were the Same Thoughts As Yesterday-Curious?

March 27, 2021
Having the awareness that our obstacles are part of the growth process is a game changer in how we choose to experience the journey.
Developing awareness is a practice that requires the right tools. I’ve been having such a great time this last month sharing tools for awareness during my 12-Week Power Up for Sacred Success Series.
The feedback from the courageous group of women and men as they apply the 12 Power Principles from my Courageous Leadership Platform has been awesome!
We are working with power tools that are helping them to change old programming and therefore how they think and feel. How we think and feel is a vital component to what we create in the world.
You don’t attract what you want.
You attract what you are. ~Wayne Dyer
The Power Principle that was shared in week two was the Power of Correspondence; as within so without. Essentially, if you don’t like what’s showing up in your life, then consider changing  your thoughts and feelings to correspond with what you do want to show up.
We are the powerful creators of our experience. Many of us haven’t been taught the formula for creation so we end up creating more of what we don’t want and/or the quality of our journey to success isn’t what we were hoping for.
One of the tools shared during week two was centered around those times when we are vibing low on the emotional scale (see pic above): experiencing fear, anger, or insecurity for example, related to some interaction with someone or something else.

I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t feel our feelings. We are human and feeling is one of the perks. It’s the habitual nature of feeling these low vibing feelings that determine their impact on our experience. And, did you know that 90% of our thoughts are the same ones we had yesterday?
The Power of Correspondence is playing out to show us where we are OR are not in alignment with our aspirations, or desires.
When we are in alignment, we may experience serendipity or coincidence.
When we are not, like when we are getting triggered, frustrated or upset, it’s like the universe is saying, “nope, try again”.
This way we can self-correct and appreciate that everything truly is happening for us not to us.
Rather than getting frustrated and then feeling stuck, try this empowering question instead,
“Do these emotions belong in my future?”~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
Then follow up with the power phrase, I am what I choose!
This can interrupt whatever pattern might be at play. The pattern that is not allowing the growth process to unfold naturally so that you can experience the new improved version of YOU. You know, the one that needs to grow and change to have the new experience that you’re desiring.
Test them out and please do let me know how it goes.

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