Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

The Power of Words

December 26, 2021
If you’ve participated in my various Courageous Leadership Empowerment Programs this year, you’ve likely heard me say, Word Create Worlds.
There is great power in the words we choose, yet we may not always take the time to choose our words wisely.
For example, rather than coming up with New Year’s Resolutions, try Declaring Your Aspirations.
Aspire means to breathe life into which is why I prefer aspire over goals.
Check in now, which word feels better?: Aspirations or Goals?
How about Declarations or Resolutions?
According to the dictionary, Resolution means the act of resolving and the subsidence of a pathological state (such as inflammation).
Declaration means to make known formally, officially, or explicitly; to make evident and to state emphatically.

New World, New Year, New Importance

To some it may seem like a subtle difference perhaps not worth the effort.
However, in this very new world in which we find ourselves, subtly and discernment will become increasing more important.
Here’s another subtly. It’s not just a matter of switching out a word. It’s about deeply leaning into how it feels to have already achieved our 2022 aspirations and from this empowered, feel-good place, habitually declaring our aspirations!
When we consistently declare our aspirations from a place of conviction and empowerment, we literally create greater certainty. The experience of our aspirations becomes inevitable. Perhaps experiment with this for the New Year and by all means, do share your feedback.
So in this New Year, do seize the opportunity and check in on your words. Notice the power in your choice and the way you feel. If you don’t feel empowered, choose differently, no matter what it is.
From this place of empowerment, you will begin to create and experience greater certainty in your life!
~As you choose, so you become~
Teresa Colaneri inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche


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