Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Power Your Words for Leadership Success

December 24, 2020

Power Your Mind with Wise Words

In the book, Words Can Change Your Brain, by Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark

Robert Waldman, a communications expert, the authors say “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes

that regulate physical and emotional stress.”

In my coaching and consulting work with clients, a core strategy we use is word wise:

sharing , discovering and reframing words to regulate and create a greater positive impact.

Because, words, and the feelings they elicit, have the power to also create worlds.

Using power words for leadership success requires strategy and awareness.

So, this holiday season, as we head into this brand new year of incredible possibilities, consider using new words that make you

and others feel better.

One Word for an Empowered Day

One word that I’d like to share with you this holiday season is the word miracle.

What might be possible if we started every day remembering that we are miracles, and what might be possible if we set the

intention to expect miracles everywhere?

How might this change our experiences? How might this begin to shape our futures?

Consider today, the miracles that you experienced this year and even in your lifetime.

Then, feel into how incredibly blessed you are.

Because, it’s easy to miss miracles.  Studies indicate that 80% of the time the brain defaults to focusing on what’s wrong.

So, in this new year, choose instead, to witness the miracles and be the miracle.

The Gift of Words for Strategic Communication and Business Edge

This holiday season, these are my gifts to you:

✨The mindset of miracles
✨ The magic of word wise
✨ The wild excitement and anticipation of your aspirations becoming realized
✨The powerful reminder that everything is always working out for you
✨The curiosity to ask more questions both from within yourself and with others
✨ The connection of an open heart and mind

So in receiving these gifts, you strengthen the part of the brain that enables courageous leadership, in your business

and in your life.

And, Courageous Leadership requires strengthening the heart-brain connection; a necessary skill to  powerfully navigate a brand new way of being in the world.

Here’s to a courageous and brilliant holiday season!

A New Kind of Superpower

December 1, 2020

In David Hawkins Book,
Power vs. Force, he explains his Map of Consciousness which expresses the levels of human consciousness from 0-1000.
Think in terms of the vibe that we give off or that which we perceive from others.

Know this:
Most of humanity vibes below 200. Think survival mode: stressed out, frustrated, angry, or afraid.

At 200, we reach a pivotal point where power first appears; our influence moves from a negative to a positive. Here, courage and empowerment present.

At 300 and 400s, we must emote willingness, and acceptance.

At 500, calibrate as Hawkins states, “with love, appreciation and joy”.

Between 700 & 1000, think Jesus and Buddha teachings that uplifted the masses and calibrated to grace and oneness.

Hawkin’s Highlights:
1. The energetic calibration for an individual at birth only increases, on average, by five points in a lifetime.

2. Only 8 percent of the world’s population operates at the consciousness level of 400 and only 4 percent calibrate at 500 and over.

3. The difference in power level between, i.e. 360 and 361.1, is very significant and capable of transforming both one’s life and one’s effect on the world at large.

Let’s up level our true superpowers!
#leadership #mindfulness #coaching #inspiration

Do you have office sabotage?

October 3, 2020

The way we work has undoubtedly changed, bringing an incredible opportunity to examine even more closely our environments, and from that place, consider just what is being communicated to us.

In our busy lives, we can become unaware of the power and influence of this messaging. Messaging that might just be making it harder on ourselves.

Over the last two decades coaching and consulting, I’ve had the fortunate opportunity to work with hundreds of successful leaders across many industries.

Part of my leadership process includes deconstructing the office or environment in which one works, providing an intimate view into my client’s world. I’ve coined this process, the office story.

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How to make success easier

October 2, 2020

Shareable: Why wait until you need a tool when you can practice the tool so to never really need it.

Many clients compare the office story process as a silver bullet that quickly exposes blindspots which are often hidden in plain sight;blindspots that often sabotage our daily progress and success.

Certainly during these times and when working with more limited space, considering the following can support your being storied for success.

In deconstructing an office story, one important consideration is the desk. Think of the desk as a representation of YOU in your business.

• Where is the desk located in relation to the rest of the room? Is it front and center or shoved against a wall?

• What statement does the desk make? Does it feel secure? Does it feel important?

• How does the size of the desk relate to the rest of the room? Does it take up enough space or does it fade into the background?

• What’s on and around the desk? How does it make you feel? Are you leading or are you following?

• When seated at the desk, where does your eye land? What message does this convey? Does it reinforce your aspirations?

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Want to feel surrounded in success?

October 1, 2020

Several years ago I was experiencing yet another meaningful transition in my life.

So, I explored my toolbox for change and transformation and decided a significant change of scenery was needed. This photo was the result.

As you know, nature can be our greatest teacher and is filled with healing, nurturing and comfort. If ultimate success is about first feeling good, consider bringing the outside in. As a result of practicing this for years, my inevitable next step was to be with nature more of the time.

What does this “office story” convey to you?

I’d love to hear your feedback.