Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Opportunities to Rule Your Month and Year

February 5, 2021

I’m so excited to share some upcoming opportunities where you can experience the Courageous Leadership Platform and
rule your month and year!

One of the Power Principles I share in my work is the Law of Inspired Action. It’s different than a plan of action. It’s the burst of inspiration, that nudge, that feeling that calls you to take action. When we integrate inspired action into our business and our life,
everything immediately feels easier. I hope you feel the calling in some of these offerings. I’d love to have you join!

February 9: How to Unlock Your Power Drivers for Success, click here to register for this complimentary event.

February 15-17: The Climb, a Podcast Interview with the Founder of Coaching the Climb, Christine Trumbull. For a soundbite, click here.

February 18: Power Up for Success: A 12-Week Experiential Series.
A week by week dive into working with the 12 Power Principles. Seating is limited. There are about 8 seats left.Click here to register.


Taking Courageous Action

January 28, 2021
“To thine own self be true,” says Polonius
Moving beyond Spiritual Bypassing~
John Welwood, the prominent psychotherapist and author of the classic book,
Toward a Psychology of Awakening, defines this term as “spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep personal, emotional ‘unfinished business,’ to shore up a shaky sense of self, or to belittle basic needs, feelings, and developmental tasks.”
When spiritual practice is used to compensate for challenging traits such as low self-esteem, social isolation, or other emotional issues, Welwood said, they corrupt the actual use of spiritual practice. In other words, using these practices to cover up problems seems like an easy way out, as opposed to working on the actual issues and etiology of the challenges.(Psychology Today)
 When we don’t take the time to know ourselves, how can we possibly lead ourselves?
In my Courageous Leadership Coaching & Consulting Platform, we invite clients to consider this:
Who are we leading and why are we leading and where do we truly want to go?
As we consciously define our new authority, we achieve greater awareness that drives powerful outcomes because it elevates all.

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Cultivating Courageous Leadership

January 19, 2021
There’s a phrase, that speaks to what happens as we aspire to experience more.
New level, new devil.
We forget that when we raise our hand to experience our greater aspirations that this requires attunement and alignment within ourselves.This of course can feel uncomfortable and unexciting. Yet, tension is part of any change process. If we don’t catch it, the tension can easily become our resistance.
Energetically, it is this tension or resistance that is the necessary fuel for our conscious expansion and thus our aspirations.
When we have the right process to harness this tension, the outcomes are breathtaking.
We’ve all experienced that it can feel easier to recoil into our comfort zone or as I prefer, the drama triangle. We resist the opportunity and instead reach for things like vices or spiritual bypassing.
2021 offers a blank canvas, a space where anything is possible. A space to create from our wisdom versus our wounding. The quantum science and spiritual term for this space is the zero point.
If you’re super committed about making the most of this new year and this new era, I’m committed to sharing more about what’s worked for me and my awesome clients in upcoming webinars, trainings and under my Courageous Leadership Coaching & Consulting Platform.
Look for those details un upcoming posts!

A Primary Theme for 2021

January 9, 2021
Two of my greatest passions, other than my daughter, are helping clients grow and expand their businesses as well as themselves using spiritual best practices.
Twenty-five years ago, I began merging the two because it worked for me when nothing else did.
When I say spiritual, I mean exploring and harnessing universal energy; the life force that creates and co creates with us.
I believe, it exists in all things.
Part of my spiritual training has been interpreting energies in the way of patterns.
Patterns in the environment, in our relational behavior and from our subconscious.
Patterns are important because they become the framework from which we experience our lives.
If I were to interpret a dominant pattern or theme for this year, it would be “authority”. We can consider using this important time as an opportunity to explore the pattern of authority in our lives and create a new context from which to live.
One quick google search of the word “authority” produced these definitions:
➤the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.
➤a person or organization having power or control in a particular, typically political or administrative, sphere.
This year ushers in a whole new era. Authority over no longer fits. We’re seeing this everywhere.
Here are three questions to consider when creating our new authority:
✨How do you currently define authority?
✨How are you exercising your authority in a way that serves you and the greater whole?
✨Where is there an opportunity to exercise greater authority from within yourself?
I’ve been playing around with this definition and I’d like to share it. I’d also welcome your feedback:
The ability to experience sovereignty in my life at all times.
In other words, it’s my declaration to be personally responsible for my experience: my choices, my energy, my reactions or responses, my thoughts and feelings. ALL of it.
In my coaching and consulting and in my life, it’s my passion and aspiration this year to claim consciousness as a new currency and support others in doing the same. I hope you’ll join me.

A New Year and A New Era Require New Tools

January 1, 2021

This brand new year ushers in a whole new era. In fact, it is said that in this new era
Consciousness is the New Currency.
Elevating our consciousness requires awareness that leads to inspired action.
Inspired action is not a plan of action. It is right action from a higher knowing.
It is a means by which life can be experienced with a sense of freedom, ease and joy.
Accessing higher knowing requires elevating our consciousness.

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