Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Are You Loosing Your Leadership Edge?

June 25, 2021

One of the major complaints I hear from clients is around their frustration with other people whether that be colleagues, employees, clients or other.

Someone does or says something and within a matter of seconds we get triggered. It might feel like a sting, a punch or somewhere in between.
Either way, chaos can ensue and then cortisol, the stress hormone, goes to work. We quickly unknowingly give our power over to the person or situation that triggered us. We become hijacked by the chemical release.

How often do we stop to consider our impact on our team, our business and beyond?

To resolve this discomfort, we may complain or blame before we can calm down enough to address the issue and sometimes the issue never gets addressed. It just compounds and we tolerate it.
This experience in no way feels empowering. As leaders, becoming conditioned to calm versus chaos is one of the greatest strengths we can cultivate. When you consider the far reaching effects of your leadership, can you really afford to lead from chaos?

The New Leadership: Developing Conscious Expansion

June 18, 2021

NEW! The Courageous Leadership Community.

As a result of the incredible success of 12 -week Empowerment Series, we now have a
Courageous Leadership Membership Site.
Here,  like-minded leaders have access to the support of one and another and incredible tools for elevating consciousness, accessing greater empowerment in order to experience Sacred Success for the whole self: body, mind and soul.

What We Are Truly Craving

In coaching many leaders,  Sacred Success is what clients are truly craving at the end of the day: Wholeness of the body, mind and soul which translates to greater confidence, and freedom that elicits a sense of security and safety from within. A security and safety that makes achieving ecstasy consciousness that much easier.
If you’re interested in joining the community, elevating your consciousness, learning how to access your true power and potential for greater impact and influence in your leadership and life, do consider joining us and gain access to all of this:

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Five Reasons to Elevate Your Leadership Consciousness

June 13, 2021
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.~Albert Einstein

Here are a five reasons why elevating our leadership consciousness is so important now:

1. We are living in a very different world. A world where actually experiencing greater joy and happiness is more possible than ever before. The book, Stealing Fire, is filled with data and statistics indicating how the government and military are spending millions to try and hack states of ecstasy. Again, ecstasy is a state of consciousness available to all of us, we simply have to commit and choose.
The data clearly supports the incredible benefits when we are operating from states of ecstasy: incredible innovation, feats and accomplishments previously unattainable. Achieving this state of course, becomes easier with effective training and an effective process.
2. At times, leaders solve problems at the level of the symptom not the source. Which of
course becomes like whack a mole, it shows up somewhere else never really resolving. When we
choose to change ourselves first, our true power becomes readily available to us and the game

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Are You Conditioned to Calm or Chaos?

June 6, 2021

Being conditioned to calm requires operating from a higher level of consciousness to first lead ourselves, then others to win win outcomes.

When we’re conditioned to calm, we can operate at our best and inspire others to be their best which impacts humankind. That is Courageous Leadership in action.
And just like any other strength building process, this takes practice and requires appropriate tools and processes. And yet it’s often the case that expanding and elevating our consciousness (our energy) takes a back seat to the seemingly more important daily projects and tasks.
This often leaves us on that perpetual gerbil wheel of experiencing more chaos versus calm, and coming from a place of force versus our true power. We get triggered more of the time and in turn, operate from lower states of consciousness. This is not a strategy for leading or growing and expanding business from a place of enjoyment.
In the recent 12 week empowerment series we just wrapped up, participants learned how to apply the
12 Power Principles that are at play in our lives whether we realize them or not; like gravity.

One of the principles learned was the Power of Correspondence.

If we are experiencing chaos on the outside, it is a result of the chaos generated from within us. This concept can take some time to integrate simply because most of us have been conditioned to believe that everything happens out there. And because it happens out there, it feels like we have little control over it, yet we often expend a great deal of energy to do just that. This again is using force versus our true power.
The exciting opportunity here is this: because it (chaos) is generated from within us, we have full control and power to change our state of consciousness, to change our energetic signature, and to instead choose calm.

How to Lead Powerfully

April 27, 2021
In my current 12-Week Series, I’ve dared the participants to do something that is exciting yet a little scary.
The point of this is not to just dare them. In my Courageous Leadership Coaching and Consulting Platform, daring is a strategy to change how our brain fires, to break through limiting beliefs and decondition the body from the past.
Daring encourages us to explore possibilities that we might not otherwise entertain and I believe, in order to take up a dare, you must be courageous. And as you know, courage helps us be daring in the face of many opportunities and circumstances that life inevitably throws our way.
As leaders, whether that be as a parent, small business owner or executive, we often have to dare to lead others in a way that inspires them to give their best. Not such an easy task when we’re stressed out and under deadlines.

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