Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Will You Be Ready for 2022?

November 11, 2021

The Power of Time

Beginning on 10-10 and moving into  11-11, 12-12 and 12-21, which is the Winter Solstice, we have the opportunity to harness potent openings and use them to power up next year.

The message of this fortuitous time period is slow down to speed up.~Rich Litvin

This is is special invitation to join me during this potent time in a six-week virtual journey to support you in Powering up YOU in 2022: A Year of Empowering Impact.

Six weeks as you know is 42 days and so again, we use the power of time to elevate this experience.
We begin on Tuesday, November 16 @7:00pm EST directly after the 11-11 gateway and end on the powerful return to light, Winter Solstice, December 21.

The Power in Numbers

👻Forty is the only number in English whose letters appear in alphabetical order.
👻Minus 40 degrees, or “40 below,” is the only temperature that is the same in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.
👻Forty in certain religions indicates a period of renewal.
You can read more about the power of 40 here.

If you feel ready to experience a very different 2022 after the last 20 months, along with other
like-minded, committed leaders then read on or simply commit here.

Consider for a moment, on average, what you spend in a given day: physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially?

Now, how much of that spend goes towards investing in gaining more leverage and command over the choices you make in your life, leading to experiences that support your true purpose and desires?

Want more freedom and courage (which by the way breeds confidence)?

Over the course of these six weeks, we’ll be focused on
strengthening your higher brain power and turning down the dial of survival mode.

YOU are the change you wish to see in your world and investing in YOU and committing to YOU is the game changer, the answer to your dreams, goals and desires.

Are You Ready to Truly Power UP You?

Lead to Create a More Beautiful World

November 7, 2021

What will you choose in 2022?

We are at a significant bifurcation where we can continue to fight against ourselves which only contributes to more fighting in the world or we can stop the madness.
We can learn how to reduce the power and dominance that our survivor brain has over our ability to choose.
We can blow up the operating system of “safe equals sameness” (Dr. Michael Cotton) and instead begin to create a life of our desires.
We do this by activating and strengthening the latent technology of our higher brain. Sometimes referred to as the executive brain, frontal lobe or newer brain.

Halloween wasn’t as scary as the following:
Scary statistics as a result of lower brain dominance.

💀Less than 10% of all people who set out to achieve a goal actually do. (University of Scranton)
💀90% of our thoughts were the same ones we had yesterday. (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
💀80% of the time, the brain defaults to focusing on what’s wrong. (Arbinger Institute)
It’s not our fault and it also doesn’t have to be this way. Just like working any muscle in the body to get stronger, gain more definition, and achieve greater feats, exercising the higher brain puts the power back in our hands in a way where we wake up and become more aware and conscious of our choices.
We start creating our lives rather than surviving in it.

Living in survival involves living in stress and functioning as a materialist, believing that the outer world is more real than the inner world.

When we are under the gun of the fight-or-flight nervous system, being run by its cocktail of intoxicating chemicals, we are programmed to be concerned only about your body, the things or people in your environment, and your obsession with time. Our brain and body are out of balance.  We are living a predictable life. However, when we are truly in the elegant state of creation, we are no body, no thing, no time—we forget about ourself. We become pure consciousness, free from the chains of the identity that needs the outer reality to remember who it thinks it is.”― Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One

Four Signs You Are Stuck in Survival Mode

October 27, 2021

Happy Halloween!

Life, like Halloween, can feel scary or fun depending what you choose.
Because once we choose, we begin creating our experience. Right?

Why is it then that come Monday morning, when the alarm goes off, life can feel not so fun, possibly even scary and more like something or someone else is doing the choosing.

We might feel the dread of another grueling week or the pressure of our obligations.
From this place, consciously choosing can feel almost impossible.
Not unlike getting that scary halloween movie out of our heads. 😉(I can’t watch them anymore!)

Are You Surviving or Creating?

If you’re not waking up feeling happy, empowered and excited to start the day. Know this,
your survivor brain is likely more in charge of your experience, limiting your ability to
choose and feel in command of your day.

“The universe does not work in the ways that we have been taught. It is time to awaken and
to learn the truth.” R.K. Ebert, Ph.D

Four Signs Your Stuck in Survival Mode

✨Our survivor brain, often referred to as our reptilian or lower brain where our fear networks reside, can quickly drain us of the life force we need to recognize the choice we have to own our day. Similar to feeling haunted by our to do list and obligations.

✨Our survivor brain, directs our focus on fear.
It’s the part of our brain that has developed over centuries to keep us alert and protect us from danger.
The overuse of this brain can quickly launch us into anxiety.
Just the thought of all we need to do can feel all too much. We freeze up and can’t make decisions or complete important tasks never mind our goals and certainly the awareness of our deeper desires.

✨Our survivor brain, catapults us into controlling situations in order to feel safe in what feels like an unsafe world.

✨Our survivor brain, provokes avoidance, procrastination, and passive/aggressive behaviors leading to overwhelm and unhappiness that defeats our goals.

It can feel like we are fighting against ourselves; these goblins and ghouls within us.


Retreat ROI for Courageous Leaders

September 24, 2021

The Power of Space

When we gift ourselves the Power of Space to reflect, renew, and recharge, we activate a vibrancy within us that provides incredible insights, creativity and inspiration. It nourishes our soul.

At our second Leadership Empowerment Retreat of the year, nine Courageous Leaders came together to access The Vibrant Self.  And there were fireworks on many levels!

The ROI-Investing in YOU

Attendees checked in anywhere from a 4 through 6 out of a 10 and left at a solid 10 after applying exercises to elevate their thinking and higher brain, immersing themselves in the ultimate of self-care, and making incredible new connections.

The results go beyond a simply % increase, the ongoing benefits when applied are exponential and life changing.
Here’s one attendees feedback: There is so much I will take away from this experience. I have tools that I will apply to challenging situations in my everyday life. This has started a new chapter in my life of involvement and investment in myself on a spiritual, personal and career level. Retreat Attendee~TC
Get in touch if you would like a sample exercise to support your empowerment as a Courageous  Leader!
Thank you to YO1 Spa & Resort for a phenomenal experience and to all the leaders who attended! You make the world a better place!


Using Your True and Total Power

August 29, 2021

Your Soul is Calling~Accessing Your Vibrant Self

In this new world in which we find ourselves, there is a great call to lead with the heart and allow the head to follow.
Some say it’s a practice of energy management.
I refer to it as Empowered Leadership.

Using the Courageous Leadership Platform, we develop our true power using the 12 Power Principles.

Our true power is very different from the false power we use on a daily basis which drains our life force and leads to burnout.

Cultivating our power might not be viewed as a new concept and on the surface can seem so obvious.
It’s not.
Our brains have been programmed for survival where we first defend and protect.
Add to this the potentially draining stress of our demanding work environments and burnout becomes inevitable.
Leading with the heart is what many of us our craving yet missing in our daily experience.  
The impact is profound on many levels as you know.
One of my greatest passions is supporting leaders who want to lead with and ahead of the pack using new levels of intelligence and expanded levels of awareness for outstanding outcomes personally, professionally and relationally.

Come Join Us

Next month, I’m joining forces with Linda Wellbrock of LWE in a
Leadership Empowerment Retreat at the award winning YO1 Resort. In the Catskills.
If you are seeking to better understand this new world in which we find ourselves, craving renewal from burnout, anxiety, or overwhelm or, feeling like your business and/or life are running you, please do join us to remember who you really are.
Come feel empowered by experiencing renewal, relaxation and revival of all of who you are:
heart, mind and soul.
The dates are September 22-24. See details here, 2021 September Retreat