Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Who’s leading your mind?

April 2, 2020

Shareable:“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” ~ Albert Einstein

Leadership begins with leading ourselves.

Much of the internal programming that informs our behavior was downloaded before the age of seven.

When we take the time to examine the programs that inform our behavior, we quickly realize that many of them are not even ours. They come from other peoples’ beliefs and conditioning; familial and environmental influences.

Additionally, studies indicate that seventy percent of our programming is said to be negative or self sabotaging.

A large part or 95% of the time, we are unaware that this is occurring. You may want to read these again.

So as we cleanse our physical surroundings and practice social distancing, consider taking more time to also practice mental distancing. Slow down and give yourself space to become more aware of what you are thinking and exactly whose voice it is. When we do, we get to choose and be empowered to lead for greater impact and influence. It’s win win!

Thank you to those who are already doing this.

How to reclaim your power

April 1, 2020

Shareable: There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so ~ William Shakespeare

We live in a world of contrast and in that experience our minds create meaning and form judgements: good-bad, right-wrong.

If 80% of the time the brain focuses on what’s going wrong (spiking cortisol) and 95% of the time we are subconsciously relying on programming that is 70% faulty, then feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and even burnt out is inevitable.

Both Jonas Salk and Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis had their breakthroughs after they distanced themselves; spent time away from the stress of their problems. Often when we distance ourselves physically, we relax mentally. Cortisol levels drop and the success hormones become more activated. During these interesting times, we quite fortunately can practice mental distancing from the convenience and comfort of our own homes.

Consider this two step power activation process for strengthening your ‘executive’ brain. Get intentional with it and make it your new habit. When you do, you’ll experience some of the powerful benefits listed below in your business and your life.

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