Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Have you got this?

July 2, 2020

Shareable: Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. Napolean Hill

The more we operate from the drama triangle within our internal framework, the more we experience this in our external relationships; with our team members, vendors, colleagues and family members. As well, this dynamic can play out in business deals, and in our ability to make a profit.

The more we operate from this dynamic, the less aware we become and the worse we tend to feel often leaving devastation in our wake.

It’s been scientifically proven that our thoughts are electric and our feelings are magnetic thereby creating a field of information that is measurable and perceivable by others. Add to this the attraction factor of this vibe. Yes, like attracts like. The more we stay frustrated or overwhelmed, the more intense that field of information becomes and the more detrimental the impact on ourselves and others.

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Are you leading with your challenges instead of your culture?

July 2, 2020

Before starting my own business some 25 years ago, I worked as a VP of Sales in the Fashion Industry. During that time, I experienced first hand the impact of leading from the Drama Triangle both as the recipient and sadly as a Leader.

In my years of training as a coach and consultant, I quickly came to realize that my initiation into the Drama Triangle occurred many years before I was leading in a company. It was a dynamic in my family. I found that cathartic to explore and perhaps you might too.

The Karpman Triangle was an adaptation of Eric Berne’s theory of translation analysis.

While transactional analysis is the method for studying interactions between individuals, one researcher postulates that drama-based leaders can instill an organizational culture of drama.

Persecutors are more likely to be in leadership positions and a persecutor culture goes hand in hand with cut throat competition, fear, blaming, manipulation, high turnover and an increased risk of lawsuits.

There are also victim cultures which can lead to low morale and low engagement as well as an avoidance of conflict.

And rescuer cultures which can be characterized as having a high dependence on the leader, low initiative and low innovation. Source credit Wikipedia

How to prepare for a winning conversations

July 1, 2020

90% of all management problems are caused by miscommunication — Dale Carnegie

When you consider it, communication often occurs first at a feeling level. Becoming more aware and present elevates our ability to perceive more clearly and make different choices that drive win win outcomes.

What tools do you use to elevate your awareness and drive win win outcomes ?

One of the fundamental tools used in the Coaching and Consulting, Courageous Leadership Platform for driving win win outcomes is from the conversational intelligence framework.

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Are you addicted to this?

June 4, 2020

With the arrival of summer, the heat inevitably gets turned up. This can be great if you enjoy sitting by the pool or the beach. It’s not necessarily that great when it comes to conversations.

Think about the last heated conversation you had? What exactly was said that made your temperature rise or your blood boil?

What tools did you reach for in that moment as a leader, whether in your business or your life, to help you successfully navigate?

Or, was the heat so intense that it made you forget that you were a leader?

Words create worlds ~ Judith E. Glaser

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Do this to reframe a heated conversation

June 3, 2020

Shareable: “Our chief want in life is somebody who shall make us do what we can.”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Going deeper takes courage. The next time you start to feel your temperature rise in conversation, consider this reframe: the person standing before you is actually your teacher. That’s right. That person who is triggering you is doing it for you, not to you. That person is trying to teach us something about ourselves so we can grow beyond our past and beyond our unprocessed emotions.

This type of reframe is one of the fundamental teachings under the Courageous Leadership Coaching and Consulting Platform. It’s high level. The clients I work with are already successful leaders. They’ve mastered a successful business. What they haven’t yet fully mastered is their own energy.

And so, they know this requires uncovering blindspots and biases. They know it would be convenient to stay where there are, and yet they choose to learn how to master their own energy so they can lead themselves and then others in an authentic and empowering manner. That takes courage, but that’s what makes them extraordinary.

This high level reframe and leadership skill empowers us to take personal responsibility for our experiences and the worlds we create; worlds where win win outcomes become the new normal and where the I in the WE is honored.