As I sit to write blog, it is common that procrastination comes to sit with me.
Perhaps like you, I’ve cultivated much greater awareness of this companion largely because I’ve chosen greater self-compassion rather than allow
self-criticism to run the show.
And because I believe our lives are truly our laboratories for growth, in exploring procrastination for myself and my coaching clients, I developed a simple exercise to leverage procrastination. This is also an empowerment tool from the Courageous Leadership Platform and involves changing our relationship to procrastination. I hope you find it useful.
So just like changing our relationship to anything, it often begins with changing our perception. One powerful way of changing our perception is in the words we choose.
When you think of the word procrastination, how does it make you feel?
When I checked it, I felt badly; even guilty.
When we associate the word procrastination with feeling badly, we instantly create our experience.
Empower Your Experience
What if in that moment of procrastinating, we remembered we have choice. We remembered that we can interrupt that association and instead chose to dance to our favorite song for example . Then, from this feel good place, we set out to powerfully do our task.
Procrastination then becomes just another word describing our temporary state of consciousness.
What Else Might Be Possible
What might be possible if we became so proficient in changing our relationship with words and how we feel about them that we could then leverage that skill in changing our relationship with any stressful, irritating or annoying experience?