Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Five Reasons to Elevate Your Leadership Consciousness

June 13, 2021
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.~Albert Einstein

Here are a five reasons why elevating our leadership consciousness is so important now:

1. We are living in a very different world. A world where actually experiencing greater joy and happiness is more possible than ever before. The book, Stealing Fire, is filled with data and statistics indicating how the government and military are spending millions to try and hack states of ecstasy. Again, ecstasy is a state of consciousness available to all of us, we simply have to commit and choose.
The data clearly supports the incredible benefits when we are operating from states of ecstasy: incredible innovation, feats and accomplishments previously unattainable. Achieving this state of course, becomes easier with effective training and an effective process.
2. At times, leaders solve problems at the level of the symptom not the source. Which of
course becomes like whack a mole, it shows up somewhere else never really resolving. When we
choose to change ourselves first, our true power becomes readily available to us and the game

3. From our true power, getting triggered becomes a blip in our experience not a 3 day drain. We can
more quickly choose empowerment for greater focus, productivity and even joy.
4.As leaders, our impact is profound. It is said that someone operating from higher states of
consciousness, meaning from joy, calm and peace, has the ability to elevate 750,000 lower
conscious individuals.
When I learned that 85% of the world’s population is operating from the lower levels of
consciousness such as shame, guilt and anger, it empowered me to make the courageous
choice to make an even greater effort to consistently monitor and change my inner state to support
my clients, their impact and also better humankind. I realized just how much my mind goes on
autopilot and pulls from old conditioning and patterning that is limiting and draining. In fact it is said that 95% of the time, we operate from this place.
5.Often leaders are trying to get people to accept differences between each other and understand
how they need to alter their communication in order to be understood and get along for the sake
of a project or deadline. Or often it goes completely unaddressed damaging the bottomline,
relationships and the company’s reputation.
It takes a lot of time to build relationships and this has becomes even more difficult since COVID.
Instead, learning how then choosing to change our state of consciousness because of the immediate
benefit it has in our own lives naturally begins to have a powerful impact on everyone around us.
There is no forcing or trying to appease another, it’s simply learning how to access our innate true power, and finally feeling empowered and free.

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