Gung Hai Fat Choy (wishing you great happiness and prosperity!
February 1 is the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Yang Water Tiger bringing forth a new energy.
It is said that the Jade Emperor replaced the lion in Chinese astrology with the tiger because of the tiger’s humanitarian leadership and courage. You see the lion was more a boss than a leader.
Whether you resonate with Chinese astrology or not, we find ourselves once again entering a very new time. A time that is undeniably calling leaders to task: to become more humanitarian in our leadership and draw upon the courage needed to change, or on some level like the lion, be replaced.
Who we are and how we show up creates an impact.
Ask yourself these five questions:
1.How aware and intentional are you in considering who you are being and how you show up?
2. How willing are you to step up and make the change from within yourself for humanitarian impact like a courageous tiger?
3. How signed on are you for the new “playbook” necessary to navigate business as unusual?
4. How interested are you in cultivating new levels of awareness and greater self-leadership to positively impact the whole?
5. How are you considering ways to innovate and empower your teams with the new skills of relational and sensory intelligence which are emerging as the new profit centers?
If you are a leader choosing not to be interested in the later, no judgement here.
I get it. It can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have a process, a platform and guidance to get you there.
I simply ask that you evaluate your definition of a leader and check in on the word Leader versus Boss?
Next, I invite you to get in touch about how my Courageous Leadership Platform can powerfully support you and your teams in addressing all of these questions.
In the meantime, enjoy these Chinese New Year Traditions for success!