What will you choose in 2022?
We can blow up the operating system of “safe equals sameness” (Dr. Michael Cotton) and instead begin to create a life of our desires.
Halloween wasn’t as scary as the following:
Scary statistics as a result of lower brain dominance.
We start creating our lives rather than surviving in it.
Living in survival involves living in stress and functioning as a materialist, believing that the outer world is more real than the inner world.
When we are under the gun of the fight-or-flight nervous system, being run by its cocktail of intoxicating chemicals, we are programmed to be concerned only about your body, the things or people in your environment, and your obsession with time. Our brain and body are out of balance. We are living a predictable life. However, when we are truly in the elegant state of creation, we are no body, no thing, no time—we forget about ourself. We become pure consciousness, free from the chains of the identity that needs the outer reality to remember who it thinks it is.”― Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One