Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

Using Your True and Total Power

August 29, 2021

Your Soul is Calling~Accessing Your Vibrant Self

In this new world in which we find ourselves, there is a great call to lead with the heart and allow the head to follow.
Some say it’s a practice of energy management.
I refer to it as Empowered Leadership.

Using the Courageous Leadership Platform, we develop our true power using the 12 Power Principles.

Our true power is very different from the false power we use on a daily basis which drains our life force and leads to burnout.

Cultivating our power might not be viewed as a new concept and on the surface can seem so obvious.
It’s not.
Our brains have been programmed for survival where we first defend and protect.
Add to this the potentially draining stress of our demanding work environments and burnout becomes inevitable.
Leading with the heart is what many of us our craving yet missing in our daily experience.  
The impact is profound on many levels as you know.
One of my greatest passions is supporting leaders who want to lead with and ahead of the pack using new levels of intelligence and expanded levels of awareness for outstanding outcomes personally, professionally and relationally.

Come Join Us

Next month, I’m joining forces with Linda Wellbrock of LWE in a
Leadership Empowerment Retreat at the award winning YO1 Resort. In the Catskills.
If you are seeking to better understand this new world in which we find ourselves, craving renewal from burnout, anxiety, or overwhelm or, feeling like your business and/or life are running you, please do join us to remember who you really are.
Come feel empowered by experiencing renewal, relaxation and revival of all of who you are:
heart, mind and soul.
The dates are September 22-24. See details here, 2021 September Retreat

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