Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

I Dare YOU!

April 20, 2021
When was the last time someone dared you to do something? Or better yet, when was the last time you dared yourself?
Do you remembering taking or giving a dare when you were a child? Do you remember how that felt?
I love the experience of a dare! In fact, I haven’t stopped daring. Have you?
Daring for me is the perfect combination of excitement and fear and the fine line in between. For me, it’s a formula for a fun time! In fact, I prefer the word dare to the word challenge. It feels better to me. It packs more power for me.
Every year I dare myself on several levels and as I’m getting older, daring myself physically has become more important. My daughter is also now enrolled in this tradition.😀
Often these dares have been intentionally centered around a significant transition in my life and involves dealing with height. I see these dares as climbing new heights rather than allowing the transition to keep me stuck or held down. Daring empowers me!
This year it was aerial yoga. I loved it so much that I now go weekly. If I hadn’t dared, I’d never have known the joy of this experience and many other experiences I’ve committed to this year.
If you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner, executive or a parent, you know all about daring. Daring is a daily experience.

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