“To thine own self be true,” says Polonius
Moving beyond Spiritual Bypassing~
John Welwood, the prominent psychotherapist and author of the classic book,
Toward a Psychology of Awakening, defines this term as “spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep personal, emotional ‘unfinished business,’ to shore up a shaky sense of self, or to belittle basic needs, feelings, and developmental tasks.”
When spiritual practice is used to compensate for challenging traits such as low self-esteem, social isolation, or other emotional issues, Welwood said, they corrupt the actual use of spiritual practice. In other words, using these practices to cover up problems seems like an easy way out, as opposed to working on the actual issues and etiology of the challenges.(Psychology Today)
When we don’t take the time to know ourselves, how can we possibly lead ourselves?
In my Courageous Leadership Coaching & Consulting Platform, we invite clients to consider this:
Who are we leading and why are we leading and where do we truly want to go?
Who are we leading and why are we leading and where do we truly want to go?
As we consciously define our new authority, we achieve greater awareness that drives powerful outcomes because it elevates all.
Taking Courageous Action:
1.Consider today, the miracles we’ve already experienced this year and in our lifetime. Then, feel into how incredibly blessed we are.
This is YOU harnessing the universal energy that consciously expresses through you, through each of us.
2.Practice non judgement
Non judgement is a means for accessing that zero point of possibility and creating with potent, pristine power. It is awe-inspiring.
3.Kindly quiet that critical voice that appears when we make a mistake or don’t do something we said we’d do. The voice that “shoulds” all over us creating more shame and guilt in our energy fields.
If you’d like support in exploring your authority and harnessing the remarkable power within you, you can explore upcoming Courageous Leadership Coaching and Consulting Educational Offerings:
✨Participate in monthly complimentary webinars: Click here to join the upcomingFebruary 9 webinar:
How to Unlock Your Success Drivers
How to Unlock Your Success Drivers
✨Listen to my interviews on upcoming podcasts
✨Join my upcoming deeper dive beginning February 18:
Power Up for Success-A 12-Week Experiential Series, click here for details
Power Up for Success-A 12-Week Experiential Series, click here for details
✨Schedule a complimentary power call
Make this year count and be courageous enough to be the light that you are!