Courageous Leadership

Coaching & Consulting

A New Year and A New Era Require New Tools

January 1, 2021

This brand new year ushers in a whole new era. In fact, it is said that in this new era
Consciousness is the New Currency.
Elevating our consciousness requires awareness that leads to inspired action.
Inspired action is not a plan of action. It is right action from a higher knowing.
It is a means by which life can be experienced with a sense of freedom, ease and joy.
Accessing higher knowing requires elevating our consciousness.

As I’ve written previously, according to Dr. David Hawkins’, Map of Consciousness, most of humanity vibrates at a consciousness under 200 out of a possible 1000.
When we vibe below 200, we experience more often the primary emotions of fear (anxiety), anger, and grief (regret). This leads to “lack” consciousness. There is never enough. We’re often unaware that we’re focused in lack so it can be insidious.
On the other hand, most of what we dream about and aspire to experience calibrates higher on the Map of Consciousness. Somewhere between 250 and 500 at which point we move into “abundance” consciousness. The primary emotions we experience here are trust, optimism and understanding.
Without a process to elevate our consciousness, it doesn’t change much in our lifetime.
In turn, we can fall short or even forfeit the experiencing of our dreams and desires in way that is satisfying. Instead, we continue to effort after it, feeling emotionally overwhelmed and deflated. We remain stuck around 200.
Clients who experience my  Courageous Leadership Coaching & Consulting platform acquire both an understanding of consciousness and a means to elevate and expand it.  Because I believe, we are each leaders first, from within ourselves.  These frameworks are designed to awaken our power, providing access to a pristine power and therefore, a new kind of success from which we can then live and lead. This ultimate success is what I call,  Sacred Success.

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